Welcome to a new type of dating…

Dating is in a bit of a state, let’s be honest. We try so hard to put forward projections of ourselves based on what we think others want to see.

This is a really backwards way of going about dating and so I want to mix things up and bring in a new concept to the dating world.

Being authentic.

Who we are in the dating world, mirrors who we are in the rest of the world.

I want to promote a style of dating where we all feel so free and open to just be ourselves, without fear of judgement or rejection.

It doesn’t matter what gender, sexuality or nationality you are. I’m here to offer coaching that will change not only the way you date, but the way you live your life.

Book a free 30 minute consultation where you’ll get the chance to see what coaching with me is like. If you love it we’ll look at arranging regular sessions to help get you to a place of complete authenticity when it comes to dating.

- Alex


Alex has plenty of free videos and content for you to check out on YouTube so head on over and check it out!

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